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Mother Lodge Kilwinning no. 0 - The Mother Lodge of Scotland - 21/12/24

Lodge Brethren alongside visiting brothers have a unique tradition of parading in the town of Kilwining

Often you will hear about Mother Lodge Kilwinning no. 0 (GLoS), it is the only lodge besides Grand Stewards Lodge (UGLE) which doesn't have a number attached to it.

When visiting Lodge Kilwinning No. 0, always say "Lodge Kilwinning Number Nothing" instead of zero, as it's a point of pride that there is no number attached.

W.Bro Andrew decided to visit our Scottish brethren there for the first time on behalf of Lodge St. Andrew No. 4056 with his wife joining him for the holiday in Scotland.

(if you were wondering what his wife was playing musically in the car for the trip then please open the link -

Mother Lodge Kilwinning boasts some distinctive traditions that are uncommon in many Scottish lodges. Surprisingly, during the Feast of St. John (Festive Board), the brethren keep their aprons on throughout the visit, even during the harmony! Imagine the scene; brethren in their finest regalia, singing their hearts out while trying not to spill food or alcohol on their aprons!

Also, when the Worshipful Master is installed in Mother Lodge Kilwinning No. 0, he automatically becomes the Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Kilwinning, with the lodge also sending one brother every two years to be the Grand Bible Bearer of the Grand Lodge of Scotland, a rare and unique privilage soley for MLK no.0.

Another interesting point was the parade; After the main installation of officers have taken place, the lodge and visitors will gather outside and march to the junction of Byres Loch and then back to the Lodge.

Brethren form 2 columns for the WM of MLK no.0

It is rare that nowadays we as Freemasons openly parade with our regalia south of the border in UGLE; however, the atmosphere was jovial, and the Scottish public at large was supportive.

It can also be said true that the brethren of Mother Lodge Kilwinning No. 0 went out of their way to welcome everyone attending and made sure, after a long, hearty, and fraternal night of harmony, that everyone got back safely to their hotels.

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